Sunday 2 December 2012

Charming <3

Dear charming,
I do not know who you are and where your're from or when our paths will intersect but i know you're out there somewhere and i hope  to find you soon.
I just want to tell you that when we meet and fall in love, just love me for who i am and dont try to change me if it's not for the good.
Please understand if i text you constantly because i constantly want to talk to you 

I might not hug you or kiss you first because I'm shy. But that doesn't means that I'll stop you from doing it.
Don't think I am annoying just because I'm mad at you.
A simple sorry usually does the trick for me.
I may have loved before but just know tha none of them really mattered.

I might hug other guys and flirt with some of them but just know that none of them will ever mean to me as much as you do.
If i cry, please know it isn't because of you. Just hold me close and i'll heal quickly and if I ever cry because of you, please know that its just because you mean a lot to me.

I may have loved before and you may not be my first but get the fact that I want you to be my last.
I promise to remember that you have feelings too , even though you'll never admit it and I promise that I won't be mad at you because you forgot to wish me on my birthday or because you couldn't remember our monthly.
Please tell me if anything I do bothers you or if something just doesn't fit right.
I would like you to always be honest with me.
Please don't get mad if I ever call you at a bad time. Maybe it's because I wanted to talk to you real bad.
I hope you'll understand me and won't feel bad when I cry because honestly, I do that a lot.
I hope you don't mind holding my hand in public and I hope you don't feel bad telling people we're together.
I hope you're okay with me abusing and drinking and being loud and crazy in public and doing stuff normal girls don't do. I hope you understand that I don't always like to dress up and wear ten pound makeup and I hope you love me even in Levi's and a loose sweatshirt.

I promise that I'll understand that you need space and I won't get annoyed if you want to watch WWE on ESPN and play FIFA instead of watching gossip girl and facebooking.
I promise I'll love you despite your tendency to forget important dates.

I hope you don't think I'm asking too much of you and you understand that I'm a little nervous and a bit scared of love. I wish I could tell you how or when we'll meet and if we'll be in love forever. I hope you don't get mad if I call you 'Charming' because I've always dreamt of doing that. I promise I'll try my best to keep you happy and make your life a little bit easier without expecting too much of you. Thankyou for listening and come find me soon because I'm waiting for you.
Yours always and beyond,

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