Thursday, 3 March 2016

Chauhan Sahab❤

Sometimes, you don't know how to start.
It's like you're in this constant dilemma.
Should I talk about how “Once upon a time..” or should I just get to the “Happily ever after.”
It's a tough decision and a constant dilemma.
Very similar to what I’m going through right now. Sheer displeasure of my failure at expressing my love towards a constant source of happiness in my life.
Arushee Chauhan.
If I was asked to write summarize this beauty, I would probably say..


Arushee, a student of class 12, met Lakshita in class 4th. Being in the same school and the same class and sharing the same love for their dearest math teacher, “Shikha”, they became the best of friends.
Soon enough, they would borrow copies for homework and call each other to ask what they missed in school.


Talking in terms of appearance, Arushee was short, simple and beautiful. Rarely chivalrous in nature, she could usually be found confused and in chaos, usually caused by others.
Arushee had extensively long hair until her class 12th farewell, when she got an impulsive haircut. Lakshita often makes fun of her height but Arushee is indifferent to everything people say, simply because she doesn't let trivial things bother her.


Up until a year ago, Arushee had a perfect best friend, Swati Mishra.
They would be seen together during every period in school. There was no period, no minute, no teacher that could come between the two of them and their incessant gossip.
So what exactly happened a year ago?
I’d be lying if I say I had nothing to do with it. Even without the wrong intention, I caused some serious problems and misunderstandings between the posse of two and being as honest as honesty does, I’d like to say that at the time, it seemed insignificant, but in retrospect, nothing has ever affected Arushee more than losing Swati did.
Before you ask how I sleep at night, let me continue..
Swati was at fault too. She blamed me for coming between them when her friends acted as barriers too, more than once.


Arushee’s relationships, to say the least have been complicated in the past. Let's just say that one area where she lacks the ability to make sane decisions is love.
But then, when you come to think of it, when it comes to love, the line between insanity and sanity, tends to disseminate.
The last relationship Arushee was in, left her heart broken and shattered. Like bottles bits on stones, she was broken.
Although, the relationship was beautiful.
They shared pizza and over pizza, they shared their days and told each other every insignificant thing that seemed so significant back then. They spent hours together and still, when it came to leaving, the time felt so less.
Unfortunately, cupid forgot to plant the arrow behind the guy's behind and thus, came a month of sobbing and drowning inside her own tears.
That time, I don't remember a time, Arushee didn't miss him and didn't try to reach out. I was pissed at that asshole, I still am and always will be but as they say, everything happens for a reason.a
Arushee then, met this great guy who's not her boyfriend or her soul mate. They're best friends and they hang out whenever they can and people might be jealous of this, but I think that this guy is the best decision Arushee’s ever made. He keeps her happy, and that's all I want. As of now, Arushee’s very much single and hopefully that's going to continue until after boards.
Moving on to other things..


Arushee lives with her mom, dad and her cute, younger brother, Dhruv. Dhruv might be like 100* more impulsive than Arushee is because he once threw an iPhone6 in the air which didn't even belong to him. He's usually engrossed in video games and even though he's pretty young, he can talk sassy without fumbling.
As per her dad, Arushee has a very polite Dad who loves to visit Dehradun and has spent the last 6 months between Delhi and Dehradun. He still never missed any special moment when Arushee wanted him here. Whether it was farewell, or the first board examination.
Arushee’s mother, is a little uptight but that's because she's a teacher.
She teaches in a non-governmental organization which is one major reason why I admire her so much. She loves being independent and punctuality is her forte. Clicking pictures is another hobby that Arushee’s mother incessantly enjoys and she's also more understanding than most mother's I’'ve met.


I share a very strange bond with Arushee. There was a long time when we didn't share anything but our class. But as time surpassed, and 11th came our way, things started going back to normal and I’m glad to have her back. Her smile has a very strong vibe which is nice to have around. 
I adore her and the things that she does and in the past six months, we’'ve spent so much time together, that it feels like she's a sister of mine that lives upstairs. She knows every place in my house where there's a probability of finding something sweet and word of CAUTION : no matter how much you try to hide it, if it’s sweet, Arushee Chauhan will find it. Business studies is one thing we have studied together so much that I think I’m going to giftwrap her gift with Poonam Gandhi's cover. Math is another thing that Arushee taught me and took the pleasure of feeling tall, standing for the whiteboard while I was sitting.
Currently, she's a major part of my life, and even a day when I don't see her, we receive miss you texts from the other end.
Best friend is not something I’d call her because she's things it would mean falling in the same pit again and I understand that.
BEST FRIEND according to our theory, is not something you start calling yourself on instagram. It's something you become while the coffee gets cold.
College is on it's way and I honestly don't want to lose her because, let's just say it, the bitch brings light and hope everywhere she goes.


To rest my case, I’d like to say that Arushee is a very positive person and she has a sweet tooth that will never turn source. She loves her brother and every one in her life and she puts more efforts into relationships than most people do, these days.
She looks at the bigger picture and she lets go of anger very easily.
She gets attached way too fast and some might call it a flaw but that's just another thing that's make her perfect.
She's hard working and can slog five hours of studying which most people can't do. Even though she's lost her faith in the idea of best friendship but I think she’'ll come around soon enough.
She runs like the wind and her smile can make you feel like it's for you. She laughs like a horse which might be a little strange because she's little and that much sound coming out of her feels weird.
Loves to eat, which is actually THE MAJOR REASON we’'ve come so close, of late.
Ending the tale, I’d like to say that it’s an honor to have someone like her in your life and I’m obliged to share this honor.

Happy birthday, Aaru Faadu!

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