So you ride this bus everyday and you sit at the last seat every time you get on to that bus.
Every day, a small girl of 5 sits at the corner seat with her school bag clenched between her thighs.
You see her everyday and never care to exchange a word with her.
But you see her everyday, for the next 13 years.
You see the same 5 year old girl grow up to be 18 and you still don't care to exchange a word because you're too stubborn.
Then one day, you get on to that bus and don't find her there. You comfort yourself with a rational explaination.
The next day, you don't even notice that she's not there.
Until a week passes, and you see another bus passing by with the girl in it.
Do you feel bad?
I mean, you shouldn't.
Why would you feel bad over a stranger changing her bus?
But you do. You feel bad and you always will regret every day that went by and you didn't talk to her.
I mean, how many chances did you have?
You let her go.
And now your bus isn't your bus anymore because the one person that made a random bus, your bus is not there anymore.
Houses don't turn into homes without people and humans add value to time, money and materials.
Money can never add value to us.
No matter how much you deny it, this will be the truth.