Often does it happen, we take things for granted.
Rare it is, that who you want will make you feel wanted.
Often does it happen, we loose control along the way.
Rare it is, we get ourselves together because what we do best is break.
Often does it happen, we judge and get so mad, it makes us sad,
Rare it is, we look for reasons. And explanations, I might add.
Often does it happen, we smoke and we drink,
Rare it is, we take a cup of coffee and sit by the window to think.
Often does it happen, we make the bad choices and regret,
Rare it is, we move a step forward and forget.
Often does it happen, we screw everything good that comes along,
Rare it is, we realize what's important before it's long gone.
Often. All the bad things are.
All the good things? They're rare.
Change your oftens to rares and maybe, it'll be all right.
Take your glasses off, clean them, maybe, you'll get back your sight.