Friday, 6 February 2015

Hello thereeeeeee =D

Hello there best friend,
First things first, I hate you more than I hate milk and you're an obnoxious little bitch.
Secondly, you have really big eyes and you're a little fascinating. {People say that.}
It's really easy to love you which explains why I have been doing that for the last 6 years. But important thing is, you're my best friend.
Like, my BEST friend and no you are not going to be there to help me to move the corpse from the living room floor if I ever kill a person.
You are never going to let me reach that point of paranoid. Because that is what you do. Save me from screwing up.
One more thing, everybody say you look beautiful when you smile so you have to keep doing that for the rest of your life.
Warna itni ghatiya shakal ko koi bhaav nahi dega na jaani. :*
You have to be there for me because I have no options in being there for you and you always say, it's a give and take relationship. I miss our walks because the government school road seems to bring out our emotions in a very weird and strange way but that's okay right?
Because we are weird and strange.
Not in the Meredith Grey's dark and twisty way but in  a "We start crying whenever because of no reason at all" way.
It's been a long while since I've been seeing your face almost everyday and I don't know why I feel even the first quarter isn't over.
We have a long way to go.
Opening our library and getting married to buying baby clothes together and I don't know what makes me so sure but you're going to be by my side till the day I am laying in some lousy hospital bed and telling you which white suit to wear for my funeral.
Yeah, I know it's a little too sweet which totally means I have to be a bitch for an entire week to compensate but it's your birthday month so I really do not see that happening.

9 days, favorite bitch :*