Thursday, 20 November 2014


Over time, I've talked about love quite a lot. And maybe or maybe not you may have noticed that I've mostly referred the one guy in my life as "someone".

So getting to the point, we all have our someones.
You know. Someone you can call, text, beat, irritate and most important of all, someone you can love.
I had a someone too and it would be really wrong of me to call him my someone because of silly reasons I probably shouldn't get to.

But I guess, I'll still call my someone.
And I don't know why.

It's been a long while since my blogs have been about him and I know it's stupid but there was a time when all my blogs used to be about him.
He has a birthday soon.
And it's funny but I don't like the fact that I cannot even do his countdown even though I hate countdowns. 

That's how much a year can change.
Last year, I started his gift around this time and now, I can't even do his countdown.
Keeping all these things apart, I know you all have your someones too and I just want to tell you that if you're with your someone,  let him/her know how special he/she is because god knows where you both end up next year.

And it's not even cynical.
Why miss the chance when you have it?
Replace the M in the second word of the previous sentence with K and friggin' do it.

So bottomline is, winters are here and that obviously mean, Major missing and nostalgia.
The year is about to end and before it does take a break from the usual and appreciate the people you have in your life. Especially you're someones. Because a new beginning is on its way. ;)

Till then,

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

November. :D

Hey everyone!
I hope everybody can feel the nip in the air because hello NOVEMBER,

Now I know, November is not supposed to be special since Diwali was in October this year but you know what?
November is always going to me weird and special.
And that is because it's the month when all of us, {well, most of us} realize that hey!

Another year, is going to come to an end soon and you know, after two long years, I can finally say that I am glad that it's ending.
I mean, it was a good year and somebody wrote a song sometime saying that, "All good things come to an end."
I will do the post with the highlights of the year this year too but it's too soon for that now.

As for now, I feel like sharing with you how happy the world is. I mean, yes, there are plenty of sad fishes in the bowl but you have to remember that life is way more than a bowl, or a sea.
You'll meet plenty of people who are just happy.
Even if not, you will meet people who are placid and you know sometimes that is enough.
Who has the time to be sad?
A smile can do a lot.

Yes, I know sometimes, life isn't fair and it all just does not fit in the picture but you all should remember that no matter how hard it is right now, you will be okay.
The theory I had last year which said that somebody or the other is going to show up when you need them and he or she will make things okay, need not be necessarily true because as you grow up, you're going to realize it takes a lot more than just a somebody to make you happy.
I am not talking about money or anything.
If you really want to be happy, you should have yourself with you.
I know how less sense this sentence makes but it has a big meaning.
It takes yourself to be happy because nobody is going to be there forever.
Your best friend, you're boyfriend, you're counselor or anybody you love is not going to be there forever.
Things are always going to keep changing.
Because that's how life is.
Some people will stay there but you don't know who they are going to be.
And trust me, it's good you don't know.
Because if you already know what is going to happen next, how are you going to live?

Anyways cutting the long story short, Smile.
Somebody awesome once said, "Once you start smiling, things start falling in place. Kid you not."