Monday, 23 June 2014


And as I kicked the empty swing, there's only one thing I can remember. 
Where are the days gone?
As I reached home and saw television for 4 hours, after an exhausting day, there's only one thing I can remember.
Why am I not sleeping already? 
As I slept on the couch and woke up on the couch,  there's only one thing I can remember. 
Will Dad never put me to bed again?
As I cried in my room silently,  there's only one thing I can remember. 
Is mom never going to notice some thing's wrong, again?
As I sit by the park and see three girls playing badminton, there's only one thing I can remember. 
Am I never going to play baddy with my girlfriends again?

Where did the time go?
When did I grow up?

When did the girl who wouldn't come back home until mom entered the park and shouted her name, become the girl who updates a blog at almost 4 in the morning? 

I don't know where the time went. I just know, that it's gone and it's never coming back.

So yeah,  here's to realisations and growing up. 

Growing up to be a girl you don't even like. 

Monday, 16 June 2014

Forever love.

And well, it's the most talked about feeling on earth.
It's something they all write about.  It's that one thing that has made us feel so happy and vulnerable at the same time.

Honestly, it's a pretty weird thing. Actually, it's a little too complicated to be something that can be felt.
Everybody has a different definition for it.
I have one too.
And it says that, you don't love people with conditions. You don't say I love you and then add a * mark saying conditions imply.
You don't feel it the first time you meet someone. You don't realize it when they are gone. You don't just stop loving somebody if they don't love you back.

It's not something you need to do. It's not something you need from the world. 
It's nothing but a feeling and it doesn't play any strings in your heart.
It's just a silent feeling of knowing that you're capable of loving somebody even after knowing they won't ever feel the same way.

That is what it is. Crazy, whimsical, irrevocable love.
Love that lasts forever. 
Because Durjoy Dutta says, if it's not forever, it's not love.

Friday, 6 June 2014

Happy and you know it? Sad? Why afraid to show it?

Somtimes, you're just so numb to everything that happens around you, that you eventually forget that you're human too and have emotions like every other being on this earth.

But then, you're so accustomed to pain and misery that emotions become a blue moon in your life.

But then again, at the end of the day, you're human too and one day all yoir emotions are going to blow up like a rocket.
And when that happens, you're going to realize how stupid you were all along the way.
Accumulating your anger and tears was never the answer.
It was never the right way to deal with your emotions.
The best way is to be like you are.
You're sad?
Cry like a baby.
And fuck the world for saying that you're weak. 
You're happy? 
Clap your hands and show the world. 
So what if they think you're immature?
Why the hell should any of you let your company decide your emotions?

For me, I've always been how I am.
Depicting my mood is as easy as telling the difference between salt and sugar.

And I like it. I have many friends who constantly hide their emotions and accumulate it and honestly, I am way more happy than they are.

So, bottom line, if you're happy and you knpw it clap your hands.
If you're sad and someone says you're stupid, take a stand. ;)