I've been meaning to write this for a pretty long while now but I didn't and I don't have a reason. Not making it more confusing and long like I usually do, I'll just skip to the point.
I never quite understood why people always felt the need to smoke. Honestly, I don't even remember the last time I walked down a road for 2 minutes and didn't see anybody on the way with a cigarette in his/her hand. It makes me sad, to be very honest. But then again, who am to I tell them to stop?
I could corner them for a lecture not to smoke in public places like a road but then again, what difference would it make.
I could tell them that they could get cancer but then again, DT cinema's have already got that covered.
Or maybe, I could just cough and let them know in a very condescending way that what they're doing is wrong.
BUT then again, is it going to stop them from ever holding a cigarette in their hand again?
Obviously, as you may have guessed, the answer's no.
The fact that they don't care what 100 people walking down that road would think after seeing them smoke in public is enough to tell you that none of the above mentioned ways is going to stop them from smoking.
So, is there a solution?
Even if there are, I've tried them all my life.
From kindergarten till today, I've tried to stop people from smoking and it doesn't helps at all.
So here is the last resort.
Since I cannot do anything about it, I am obviously like every other girl like me, end up writing about my disappointment here, hoping that at least 10 of my loved ones would read it and maybe one of them, in case a smoker, would at least feel bad about it.
How does it helps, I want to ask.
To every smoker out there who thinks a cigarette is more loyal than any person on this planet only because it's more available, I have some questions.
How can something which runs to disappear a second after it's born help you or anybody face their problems?
How can something that burns into ashes and is crushed beneath your shoes after it's dead be your best friend?
How can something that leaves a smell so bad that even death's stench feel better, give you relief?
How can a stick of color white with a band of gold, make your life easier?
I can give you some explanations.
It doesn't fucking helps. It doesn't bring you relief. All it does is make you weak.
I have many people I love who smoke and honestly, it's gotten to the point where I don't even tell them not to smoke anymore. I don't even stop them.
I'll give you two major examples.
There's this guy who calls this the advanced therapy.
He says the smoke brings you home even when the brightest lights can't drive out the darkness.
I choose to disagree.
He is also a guy who once said, "I am a very independent person, I don't even need my mom and dad ot support me."
And now, I can't help but ask him something.
You may be independent and strong, Mr.XYZ, but having said all that, how many days, rather hours can you go without a cigarette?
See how independent you are?
0%, I'd say. Rather, you've been locked into a room which has nothing but smoke and let me tell you something, It's going to run away soon and the day it does and you have no more cigarettes to produce more, you'll realize that the room has nothing in it. Neither the cigarettes and nor the people the smoke drove away.
To add to him, there was this girl. I called her the girl who had glitter in her veins and a twinkle in her eyes.
She used to be my role model and that one elder sister I always wished to have. She was 3 years older than me, in fact she is but since we don't really talk anymore, I prefer using past tense in her case.
She was a crazy girl who would always come out with such crazy stories you can't help but pay attention to.
But then, she passed out. We lost touch and now, she's the college topper and the theater girl and it makes me really proud at times.
But then, this other day, I found a picture of her on Instagram with a cigarette in her hand saying, "Sole vice".
And again, I can't help but wonder.
What has happened to all of these people?
They hated the fact that they have to depend on certain necessities and now they have this weakness and they fucking enjoy it?
I have obviously, tried smoking too.
But I never understood why people do it and I still don't.
To all the smokers out there, I know you all have millions of answers like, "You don't know how it is" but no.
All of the answers you have are excuses.
You all just take the easy way out, fucking smoking all the time to overshadow your existence.
I don't know why I am publishing this stupid post. Maybe in the hope, that maybe, I do change a life today.
Till then,