Saturday, 24 August 2013


Everything around me is a reminder.  A reminder of you and me.  A reminder of what we have lost ad what we won’t ever be able to get back. I have tried letting go and love, I have succeeded. I do not look for you anymore wherever I go. I do not think about you all the time I have learnt not to need you and I feel like a part of my life is over. Like a whole phase, the best one till date, has now finally come to an end.
Everything in this world is a reminder. It reminds me about all the bad decisions, all the mistakes and very often it occurs, that it reminds me about the good times. Not only the good times I’ve had with you but with all the amazing times with all those who own a place in my heart.
Anyways, I want to tell you about now. Everything tells me that I am about to make a wrong decision, but making mistakes is a part of my life and it is the only way I am going to learn my lessons. I do not know what is right or wrong. But honestly, I don’t care. I am going to take my decisions even if I make the wrong one because I don’t want to go back to the old me. Who didn't take risks and didn’t have the courage to say yes to life. I have been like that once and I am not going to be that girl again. There are not going to be any more chances. Life is once, OVER and I am not going to let anything that makes me happy just let go like that.
I have lost a lot of things and people only because I didn’t have the courage to stay with them and honestly, letting go of them feels much of regret now. I miss having those people and those things around.
Yes, I know there’s nothing I can do about it but there is one thing I can do. Not repeat that mistake again and that’s exactly what I am going to do now.  I am making my decisions on my own. I am going to do what I feel like. I am going to be happy. I am going to say yes to life. I have lost a lot of things and anyone who has lost people, who should’ve stayed forever, would know that   nothing belongs to anyone in this world.
So, if nothing belongs to me, then there is no point wasting time thinking about things that are not mine. I am going to do what I feel like and yes, I am going to start saying yes to things and people who are worth it.

Courtesy for post : Paulo Coelho. J

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Back. :)

Now now now, it's been a long while since I was here.
Before I start with the usual, there is something I'd share.

Forever starts at my grave.
Do not cry at my grave and yell.
i am not there. I did not die.
I won't be there to dry your tears and compell.
But in your hearts, I shall reside.

I've seen people come and I've seen them go.
But even today, that is not what matters.
I am the shinning brook and I flow.
Seeing people go is not why my heart shatters.

I've been through a lot and I've come a long way.
And for me, the journey is still not over.
I don't run after what went with yesterday.
For me, The story goes on till forever.

Do not cry at my grave and yell.
I am not there, I did not die .

So that is what's going on right now. A lot of introspection, with a handful of cribbing and truckloads of the usual.
I am a little irritated these days but hopefully, things would be normal soon. The tables have always turned.

Hope is still there.
A little change of heart and a little light in.
I still have a long way to go.
So smile :)